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Weekend Fun: Mighty Girl movies

Plus good books and lots of rest

It may sound bad that I’m sharing a bunch of movie ideas for my first weekend fun item, but my back is out and I am in too much pain to play. Wood Sprite is staying with Grandma this weekend—we were supposed to sell cookies and see Mr. Peabody instead—while Indy works overtime and I recover. So here are my ideas for fun this weekend; feel free to add yours below in the comments.

Have a movie marathon. Use Netflix if you can so you don’t have to strain yourself getting up and switching DVDs! Try any of these 10 Mighty Girl film suggestions. Me, I’ll probably end up playing Hellboy on repeat while I switch out ice packs.

Catch up on your reading. I just finished the collection of dystopian YA stories After, collected and edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling. It was very, very good—but their collections typically are very, very good. Next up, I’ll be reading Red Rising, the fourth Last Apprentice novel and Doctor Sleep, which I just received from the library after waiting being on hold for months.

Some quiet art projects might be helpful, and I know for a fact that they help me with pain management. Wood Sprite and I have been leafing through my old comics together, so maybe I’ll do some Phoenix or Rogue from X-Men sketches this weekend. In a nutshell, though, I’ll pretty much be working on pain management, so I’ll catch you next week when I’ll hopefully be much better!

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

Progressive Parenting, Conscious Caregiving
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