Comedian Watch - April Week Four
When you’re feeling in the mood to laugh, grab up your special someone and make a night of it. Comedy clubs and stand-up performances are almost always a win when it comes to a fun and entertaining date night.
Jackie Mason -
He’s affectionately referred to as the “Ultimate Jew” and, despite being in his early 80s, Mason hasn’t slowed down one bit. For one night in NYC, he’ll deliver a classic, clever routine that focuses on all-things Jewish as well as the state of modern politics and other, lighter subjects. If you haven’t seen Mason perform before, you should check him out at least once.
Quiet Comedy - Creek & The Cave - April 24th
This unique take on the stand-up experience pits two comedians against each other. The thing is, everyone in the audience will be using headphones to listen to them. They’ll tell jokes at the same time, but you can switch from one to the other as you see fit. And if one of them sees that nobody is listening to them, that’s when things get really interesting.
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