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Oooh...I just realized something else...
The HBT "wins above bench" thing that created the 4.4 mil/WAR I've been using in money values...the bench margin is even higher than the replacement level margin at least traditionally. And those are the kinds of numbers typically seen on the BOOK blog when people start comparing value of free agents (or over at Cameron's site).
BTW...Baseball Prospectus numbers are way off. Hardball Times credits Beltran with 123 runs created, Prospectus credits him with 102 RC in 2004. PCA credits him with an estimated 137 RC (PCA puts more weight on the base stealers attempting to more fairly distribute baserunning bases that don't get reported to the fast guys). So PCA's scale is not off...BPro's scale is off.
If you use THT runs creaed, then Beltran would be worth about 12.1 net wins with my method and 7.6 WAR with the THT/fangraphs/Cameron/BOOK method. Which would make him worth something like 20 million by PCA and (roughly 6 wins above bench so...) 26.5 wins by the accepted method.

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