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glmuskie's picture

Players don't get better just playing more games.  They get better through effortful study.  You don't throw four curves in a row in a game because it doesn't help improve your curveball; if anything, it prevents you from working on relevant in-game strategy.
You throw yer 4, 10, 20 curves on the side, with the pitching coach standing beside you, getting feedback and suggestions.  You practice it over and over and over.  Then you work on deploying it properly - in a game situation.
Ergo the strong argument that you advance here doc, that Morrow gets big league coaching if he stays up.
If I had my rathers, he would have been sent down for a few starts.  But now he's already got a couple, and even if he's as wild as he was in his first start, he's still got a nuclear arsenal that can keep you in games.

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