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ARGH. He'd take 90/5 in a heartbeat. He'd take that in a second. Nobody would even offer that in free agency, much less now. From 2005-2008 hes AVERAGED 150 IPs per year. Hes had TJ surgery and a MAJOR scare last season. The guy is high risk for a pitcher, and thats something you HAVE to consider when offering him a contract.
Why are you in such a hurry to vastly overpay him (according to the current market)? His agent's OPENING offer a year ago was 98/7 (meaning they'd take a lot less). $14mil per year was THEIR dream contract. Why are you offering more than that?
Honestly in this market I think $12-14mil over 4 or 5 years does it. Theres the injury risk and the low economy. Its a club-favored deal that makes sense for both sides.

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