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In 2003, Langerhans first got promoted to AAA.  Between AA and AAA that year, his K/BB was 2 (114/57).  In 2004 he began to get more comfortable with AAA, walking 70 times against 113 Ks and swatting 20 dingers while batting .310.
So he got called up to ATL, where he showed decent line drive power but had that 2 K/BB return (75/37 to be exact).  Then he ditty-bopped in and out of the line-up, his K/BB getting worse the less he played, and he eventually wound up back in the minors.  Starting full time in AAA in 2008, his BB/K was right back to the level it was at in 2004.
This looks to me like a guy who takes time to adjust to a new level (he did the same thing going from AA to AAA, the difference being that they let him keep playing through it) and needs to play every day to stay focused on the strike zone.
IMHO, while he may be streaky, the fact that left field is wide open for him right now give shim some cushion and he should be able to keep his K/BB down and his P/PA up.  I see a guy who, under the right circumstances, could be a 20 HR hitting plus fielding walk-taking minor star if everything pans out.  If not, he's still likely to be a tough out and to work the count and to get on base at a better clip than Wlad Balentien.

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