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I've seen Washburn quoted two or three times this year talking about the new release point, the sinker, the changeup, now the loopy curveball...every time he's said something to the effect (paraphrasing) "the hitters aren't used to seeing this from me".
One of the reasons he hated pitching to Joh was that if were up to Wash (prior to this year), he would throw 90% fastballs. 88mph fastballs, up in the zone, with movement. Over and over and over. The league had him booked. If his control was on, he would beat you; if it was off, you would get him but the batter pretty much knew what the game plan is. Now all of a sudden, he's changing things up on them. Sometimes he's low in the zone, sometimes he's up; sometime he'll throw the change and sometimes it's that loopy curve ball. It'll be interesting to see him face some teams that scout well for a second time and see if the hitters approach him differently.
It's fun to watch a guy execute the Bosio game plan. I wouldn't extend him but it wouldn't surprise me to see him go to St Louis or Philly or Atlanta and pitch well for another three years.

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