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glmuskie's picture

Wash's post-game comments about his success (paraphrasing here)
'It's all about the sink I'm getting on the two seamer.  In spring training we tried changing how I finished that pitch so that it would get more sink, and it's been working really well.  It's a pitch I didn't have before this year, and I don't see why I can't continue to throw it effectively for the rest of my career'.
This is what SABRMatt was talking about, how looking at his stats and pitch F/X data doesn't really paint the whole picture.
But count me in the highly skeptical camp on Wash.  I think your prognosis of continued success through '09, with a dropoff in '10, is the most likely scenario.  Can anyone think of a good comp for this situation?  Mediocre journeyman pitcher tweaks his arsenal about age 30 and becomes a top-20 pitcher in the league for an extended period of time?

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