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Sandy - Raleigh's picture

Good summary of Vargas.  This is why I remain convinced that Olson is the (slightly) stronger of the two in terms of potential for improvement and eventually becoming a meh journeyman.  While Olson's HR problems this season have been awful - his history paints a better picture on nearly every front ... with a suggestion that he has the ability to employ that Moyer/Wash deception ... and perhaps he just hasn't matured enough to avoid the mistakes. 
I think the 'magic pixie dust' that guys like Moyer and Wash possess is in deception.  This is why when talking of individual pitches, they typically rank low -- but if you've got several sub-par pitches, that all do something different, but the batters cannot pick up which is which, then you're going to get "weak" hits.  My hunch is Olson is one sub-par pitch (which looks like an existing pitch) away from making that transition. 

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