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1) Washburn's average fastball includes two types of fastballs.  A high-rising 92 mph pitch and a sinker thrown at 87.  He throws the sinker more often these days, lowering his fastball velo, but also raising his GB/FB.  Vargas has no sinker.
2) Vargas doesn't have a bendy pitch.  Washburn has three of them.  The bugs bunny like "flipper" that rolls in at 68 mph with a lot of arc on it, the power slurve that comes in at 78 with late break and the tigher slider that comes in at 82 and is more of a drop pitch than lateral.  Vargas throws a "slider" that looks like a BP cutter to me.
3) Vargas has a demonstrated massively high career HR/Fly.  Washburn has a demonstrated VERY LOW career HR/Fly...his fastball is sneakier...gets on the hitters a little more and causes a lot of pop-ups.  This implies that Washburn is more deceptive.
4) Washburn has far FAR superior command.  Every metric in the book might show Vargas' walk rate to be about the same, but trust me when I say...his command leaves a lot to be worked on compared to Washburn's.

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