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...everyone thinks I'm in it to make myself seem smart (I'm called arrogant and the like)...but that is not what's happening.  I'm in the business of advancing what I see as the proper character for a baseball analyst or for any scientist...a deep quest for objective truth and an unwavering push for logically consistent methods...that make sme uncompromising in sabermetric debate but it does not make me arrogant.  It should come as no surprise that I am a (modified) free-market libertarian in view of my tendency to see problems as solveable with the application of common sense, objective reason and hard work.  I trust people.  I do not trust governments any more than I trust status-quo-consensus thought.  Let the people run their lives...and let baseball be viewed with an objective lens by the people instead of tainted by the biased monolithic media.

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