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That we certainly don't begrudge anybody the desire to be the best at what they do.  :- )  
But Bill James, I would suggest, would like to be admired for different things than many sabermetricians do.  Bill would like to be seen as a Seeker of Truth, a fair man, a researcher who uses integrity and character and hard work and logic to achieve his results.
Some other sabermetrician, I would suggest, would like to be regarded as "scary smart." 
This is a fundamental divide between lib/con politics:  one side values IQ; the other values what it sees as character.  (Fill in your own punch line, and James isn't conservative.)
High-IQ right-wingers regard IQ as being no more commendable than the color of hair that they were born with.  Bertrand Russell once complained, "The New Testament has not one word in praise of intelligence."  :- )
It is interesting indeed to see personalities reflected in baseball predicitions ......

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