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Provocative and on target...
Our political leanings are going to be reflected in our analysis of *anything.*  From where I sit, liberals value intelligence very highly.  Liberal baseball analysts have a tendency to want to be visibly clever -- to be seen as smarter than the competition.
My own view of baseball is definitely going to be colored by the things that I value in real life...
One thing that liberals misunderstand about conservatives, though, is that few con's value the status quo for its own sake ... Makes no difference to me whether the previous generation liked RBI more than OBP, and makes no difference to me whether the previous generation wanted English taught in school... if the Truth is that our society gains from teaching three languages in school, fine by me; if the Truth is that we should phase out all languages other than English, also fine...
However, the typical conservative thinks more highly of "Joe Mainstreet" than does the typical liberal... and I think more highly of Walter Alston's grasp for the game of baseball than does the typical modern sabermetrician...

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