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Sandy - Raleigh's picture

Doc, I've played ROTO.  I've played FP leagues.  I've played Sims.  But ROTO is so far removed from reality that it surprises me that you continue to use it as an examplar, (unless you're playing in a 14-team AL only league).  But, if it is SOOOO easy to get those 90 OPS+ players, (as you suggest), why can't EVERY team do it?
In 2008, the Ms had only THREE (3) positions under 90 (1B, RF, DH).  They fixed ALL THREE of those, (which supports your position), except that CA, 3B, SS and LF all four went from above 90 to under 90.  THAT is what I'm talking about.  That is *NORMAL*. 
SOME cheap pickups will work.  But absolutely, positively nobody has a 100% success rate plugging in cheap retreads.  Yes, applaud Tampa for snagging Navarro and Pena and Gross and Hinske in 2008.  They managed to cover the collapse of Gomes.  But, this year, Navarro is posting a 51, his backup is posting a 63, and Burrell at the moment is posting a .688 OPS for an even 80 OPS+, while Upton has had a rough season and is at 82. 
The STANDARD ups and downs of production from 9 positions is what makes it so difficult to stay in contention.  Boston this year has gotten a wonderful cheap payoff in Nick Green.  But Ortiz' bat goes MIA for a couple of months, so today he's at only an 85.  But, that 85 is enough to put the entire lineup over my minimum standard - and Boston sits in first. 
Seattle picks up Wilkerson for real cheap, but he bombs.  Atlanta pays 7 million for Kotsay who posts a 99 for them.  But, when he heads to Boston, he's back in the 60s.
I'm thrilled with what Jack has done so far.  But, he wasn't able to solve the problems with the MI.  His cheap choices for DH have been a roster-squeezing encumbrance all season.  His solution at LF was barely serviceable - and the situation became dire with the first injury - and catcher remains an offensive black hole.  Jack doesn't get to play the game with 100% of the players and only 80% of the teams. 
The trade-off for "cheap" players is that they are *SHORT TERM* cheap.  Branyan is a 1-year cheap guy.  How cheap will he be next year?  If lucky, Branyan next year becomes that very mid-level salary that you dislike.  Most ROTO leagues only retain a tiny portion of their rosters, which is fine.  It keeps things interesting.  Jack doesn't have that luxury.  ROTO contracts are *ALL* single-season contracts. 
In the majors, the typical standard is 2/3 of a roster returns each year - no matter how good or bad it was.  Of the 25 primaries, somewhere around 16 are coming back, whether you want them or not.  How many Keeper leagues have 16 keepers?  If you play in a 14-team AL-only keeper league with 16 keepers, and secret bidding, then I'll pause and reconsider my position. 

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