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As implied in the original post, I would imagine that simply being the everyday shortstop has something to do with his better positioning...
As usual, we see the UZR/150 tectonic plate shift upon Scutaro's change of organization... amazing how often a guy goes from one end of the UZR meter to the other, when he changes uniforms...
If I am a UZR apologist, I want a logical explanation for Scutaro being -28 runs defensively with the A's, and then a few years later (and older) notching a +20 runs with the Jays... waving it off is merely cognitive dissonance.  Same goes for Rauuulllll's supposed -23 with the M's followed by =0 this season with the Phils.
*As pertaining to FGut, I don't doubt that the lad saves +15 or +20, even park-neutral.
We're not going to win a lot of bets by wagering on a player suddenly learning to hit at 33, but I guess if Scutaro found some shady training partners, it could persist for a year or two...

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