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I'm still remembering Jeff's world famous "Griffey is a +40 right fielder, ergo UZR = broken" comments back in April after he'd played 3 games there. :)  What Scutaro did over the years leading up to the last three:
-17.4 UZR at short in the equivalent of a full season, +0.1 UZR at third in about half a season, +0.2 UZR at 2nd base in about 1.5 seasons.
He was a solid/average 2B/3B and a poor SS in limited playing time.  Since getting more regular innings at short, he's produced 14.8 UZR in the equivalent of a little more than one full season.  This coming primarily when he got the chance to play that position EXCLUSIVELY instead of constantly having to change his focus from position to position.  I don't think that's unreasonable.

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