And I also understand that ML teams share the same info on batters' spray charts. Moving from Oak to Tor isn't going to give Scoots 45-50 runs' worth of positioning, m' good man. ;- )
If we're conceding that nothing changed physically for Scutaro, you're left with (a) Toronto is a Braniac convent of geniuses on SS positioning -- which wouldn't show up on control SS's...
or (b) UZR is missing something about the playing context.
You're steppin' into a trap there, conceding that Scutaro himself was not the issue. I soft-pedaled the # of possible root causes because y'all are painting yourselfs into a corner, if you grant that +48 runs' difference was either positioning or the measurements.
'Cause it wasn't positioning. Toronto didn't get their other SS's fifty runs when they arrived in Tor. Betcha that without even looking. :- )
Hey, it's not the end of the world. Just 'cause defensive metrics don't completely capture the infathomable complexities of real life don't mean they're irrelevant.
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