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And my reply to it isn't any different.
An NBA player's average (say Ray Allen's) might be 12.2 one season and 21.4 the next, and back down to 13.2 the following year.   His FG % might be 42% one year, near the bottom of the league, and 48% the next.
But his FREE THROW PERCENTAGE will remain constant (as Allen's is 90% every year).
That's because you're talking about two completely different realms of the sport.
I can totally buy that batter X hits well one season, and not the next -- even if it WEREN'T for the effect that BABIP has on his statistics.
I happen to have played baseball and softball, and I KNOW that a fielder is not great one year, lousy the next, and great the following year ...
And no, Matt, injury does NOT account for that.  If the man had a pulled hamstring he wouldn't be your starting shortstop.   The manager isn't going to let the #10 position player take 300 AB's at short when he's gimp; don't be silly.  Scutaro isn't playing at all if he's not 101%.
Do YOU remember RotoWire reporting a constant string of injuries for Scutaro in Oakland?  Of course not. 
Marco Scutaro was -28 because UZR failed to capture the realities of the play on the field.
Also, I question the application of the data.  Overall correlations are one thing after you have 'smoothed' the entire dataset.
But Scutaro's defensive stats are the equivalent of batting .368 with 51 homers one season, and .209 with 4 homers the next.   He was effectively the very worst defender in baseball for the A's, and effectively the very best defender in baseball for the Jays.  What hitter goes from a 60 OPS+ to a 160 OPS+ several times in his career?
If positioning IS responsible for Scutaro going from -28 to +20, and Ibanez going from -23 to =0, then fine.  Positioning is responsible for 20-50 runs per player, and inherent talent is trumped by alignment anyway.
The next guy that somebody complains is a -20 fielder, fine.  Just position him correctly and get the Ibanez effect.
"The guy must have been injured, plus he was two steps to the left" is absolutely unconvincing.  I don't know why the -28 to +20 type situations don't alarm you guys more than they do.

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