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Taro's picture

I don't see how Gutierrez is the best player "by far" but it is a really close race between him and Ichiro.
Gutierrez has scored 3.5 WAR and Ichiro 3.4 WAR according the fangraphs. Considering the extra value Ichiro brings in non-SB baserunning and moving runners over the edge probably goes to him, but it is razor-close.
Fangraphs of course assumes that Gutierrez is a +20/150games CF, which I don't have any issues with. What do you get when you have the best glove at CF with a well above-average bat? Gut has developed into a legitimate star player.
The debate is clearly between Ichiro and Gutierrez as far as position players are concerned although Felix has been the best player on the team this year.
Branyan is a distant 3rd among position players, but the gap between him and the next player is large.

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