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glmuskie's picture

This is where it starts getting fun.  Where you go the the park knowing that the other guys are shaking in their boots.  Or, if THEIR Cy Young candidate is throwing that day, it is going to be a Battle Royale!
It's also nice to glance at the stats page and see a couple of the hometown crew raining death on the AL.  Felix ready to pounce to the AL lead in ERA if Grienke makes a slipup.  Ichiro & Mauer atop the .avg column.  A Mariner (!) at the top of the home run tally.
It's almost enough to make a guy think that with three Bona-Fide blue chip baseball virtuosos on the team (more if you start adding in the bullpen), with a few tweaks, the M's could actually re-take the division and start staring down the Angels, with a sneer on their face.
This team is, shockingly, not far off.  Imagine if they had an offense. : )

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