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French throws harder than people give him credit for. He doesn't have anything CLOSE to a Jamie Moyer or Jorge Campillo fastball. Hes closer to the late Jarrod Washburn velocity-wise.
Looking at Pitch f/x data his average fastball is closer to around a little over 87.8mph, although fangraphs has him a touch over 87.2 mph. It wouldn't suprise to see him around 88mph the rest of the year.
I didn't get see him throw today as I checked in late in the game, but it looks like he threw too many fastballs and not enough sliders. The Butler HR in the highlights would have been an out in Safeco and he would have likely escaped with a Washburn-esque 2 ERs.
Considering that people consider French an Olson-esque scrub, I think hes still underrated. Hes probably Washburn circa '06-08 right now and has #3-4 SP upside.

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