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Z's trades essentially powerflushed Washburn for French and essentially made the rotation neutral towards Johjima again. Johjima might not catch Felix or Bedard, but RRS, #5 and French probably won't have any complaints upfront.
Assuming Johijma's bat returns to near 2007, trading Washburn (along with the better clubhouse) has essentially given the M's (marginally) better defense and offense for 20% of its remaining games for the low, low price of nothing. Johnson's not having a bad season himself, but the balance sheets come out a little bit better.
In the arena of opting out, the MLBPA won't interfere with a player terminating his contract. Sasaki did not retire in 2004, rather he re-signed with the Yokohama Bay Stars and immediately returned as an active NPB players. The MLBPA will have a beef with any move trying to force Johjima out of his contract against his will. And Joh is sure as heck not playing for the cash.

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