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glmuskie's picture

You lose perspective sometimes, these kids playing, because the fact is they are very nearly KIDS.  We're talking a few years past puberty in some cases.  Here at my place of business there's a new 20 yo kid who came on board last week.  And he's a smart, motivated guy, interested in doing a good job, etc.  But man, the communication skills, the ability to evaluate a situation quickly, the recognition of how his actions impact other things...  it is just flat not developed yet.
This is the first thing I thought when I heard French interviewed by Drayer on the post-game show the other night.  A couple questions in, he lost interest, and started parroting platitudes that were'nt exactly relevant.  He sounded like a young guy who was not exactly comfortable with a microphone stuck in his face talking to thousnads of people via a reporter.
My guess is, that even his Rob Johnson comment above was parroting something he heard the other pitchers say to him (Oh,  you're going to like throwing to RJ...).
His comments about his FB, I would also chalk up to a youngster's lack of ability to self-analyze & self-evaluate.
At least that's my take, through the very narrow filter of that one interview I heard.  From what you describe above, I take almost nothing from it, other than the factual comments about his repertoire.
On the Calabro tip, I absolutely love the guy. Some of my all-time favorite radio moments are courtesy of that man's wit, candor, and great voice.  But for some reason I have been very disappointed in his radio host persona/schtick.  I'm not sure why.

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