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I've always been really high on Tuiasasopo, even after his weak seasons. There is something about the guy's character that makes me feel that hes just going to pan out, and he obviously has the talent to mash.
I think being a football=first player and trying to learning how to hit in the minors has slowed his development a little bit. Bavasi clearly rushed him in that AA stint, but Tui has always made adjustment up the ladder and has finally figured out how to hit.
Hes always had 30 HR pop and above-average batspeed, he just wasn't really dedicated to the sport until he was drafted.
In many ways he compares to a guy like Seth Smith. Smith, Eli Mannings backup QB in college, is another guy with above-average batspeed and 30+ HR power that took a while in the low minors to figure out how to hit.  FYI, Smith was one of my trade targets for the Ms.. I'm not sure Colorado understands what they have there yet.

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