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Sandy - Raleigh's picture

The guy with the most Wins.  I'll forego just how tragically dumb it is to use Wins as the #1 CY criteria, but that's how they do it.  In order of importance:  Wins (50%); Ks (30%); ERA (20%);  (goodness of club is actually only important as a tie-breaker)
Beckett is 2 wins up at the moment, which is a near landslide in CY voting.  But, it's certainly not over yet.  Currently, there are 6 candidates:
Beckett (14-4; 3.10); Halladay (12-5; 2.73); Felix (12-4; 2.72); CC (12-7; 3.76); Verlander (12-6; 3.45); Weaver (12-3; 3.73);  Of course, any of the guys with 11 wins could get hot and join the contenders.
East Coast bias is going to keep Beckett and CC *BOTH* ahead of Felix, (no matter how dumb that may seem), as long as they keep racking up wins.  Already having a CY is a double-edge sword.  If there is an obvious better candidate it can hurt.  In a tight field, a previous CY can actually work to advantage, as there's 'specialness' about winning multiple CY awards.
With a 2-win lead, Beckett will have to be caught to lose the CY at this point, (either by stumbling, or someone getting really hot and rattling off 7 wins in 7 starts or something).

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