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I don't think the issue was that Bavasi "tried to win", I think the bigger issue is that he was just absolutely awful at 'building' a contender. He had no clue whatsoever how to build a team.
I actually supported the Bedard trade at the time, even though I recognized that Bavasi paid much more for Bedard than Arizona paid for Haren or the Mets paid for Santana.
I preferred trading the farm for Lincecum or going after Haren since I was concerned about Bedard's injury history, but in light of Bavasi buchery of the roster in past years I was just really happy that he was targetting an elite player. My expectations had been lowered.
That trade has turned out horribly though, much like pretty much everything in the Bavasi era.. I think we need to recognize that at this point. Its really kind of amazing how badly Bavasi GM'ed this team. Look over his trades and FA signings over the years. Has ONE trade worked out? Nearly ALL of his FA signings were disasters either than obvious organizational signings like Ibanez and Johjima. The guy was just unbelievably awful. Some of the moves he made were just beyond anything I can describe in words.
I'm glad that the team is so well run now. Z is such a contrast to the Bavasi era.

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