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Certainly Stone's questions are legitimate, in a vacuum. 
Of course a pitcher can be courageous/dumb and hurt himself.  Asking whether that's what happened is, in principle, fair.
I'm thinking more of the pattern over a period of time.
When Stone says "I actually feel sorry for Bedard on a human level," I take that as a small attempt to buffer all of the other hostility.  You know the drill:  "In a way I hope that Carl Everett can find peace in his personal life."  with the latent idea being, "This man has been a nightmare for our city and aren't we glad the nightmare's over.  But don't get the idea that I'm a hater."
The first two paragraphs of the article are typical of what he, and other media personalities, have been burying Erik Bedard in since he got here.  
But, I allow for the possibility that perhaps you're right and there's no anti-Bedard agenda, either there or anywhere else in Seattle.    Your own interpretation of Stone's last couple of articles is, to me, a piece of evidence towards that possiblity.

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