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Doc, I had read those blog pieces by Stone as well.  Regarding the labrum injuries article, I think it was just poor journalism, though I suppose the poor quality could have been intentional to get in a dig at Bedard.  I don't think it is likely, but it's certainly possible. 
Regarding the "I hope you realize that the severity of your injury is your own moral failing" article, I hadn't gotten that impression when I read it, so I re-read the piece and still don't see it that way. 
Let me ask you a hypothetical question.  Is it not plausible that pitching with a minor injury could lead to a more severe injury that would not have happened with appropriate rest and rehabilitation?  Why would asking such a question be out of bounds or indicative of a vendetta?  If Stone has a vendetta against Erik, why make the following points:
I actually feel sorry for Bedard on a human level. There's no doubt his injuries were legitimate, and I'm not one of those who question his heart or his commitment or anything like that. He had a bum shoulder. It happens to pitchers all the time.
I do admire Bedard's determination, and I'm sure that his motivation in staying quiet was simply to try to help the team as long as he could. No question he felt the burden of being the guy for whom the Mariners paid such a high price in hopes he would pitch them into the postseason. He was also no doubt aware that he had the reputation as being injury prone, and bailing out after 100 pitches. It's understandable that he tried to gut it out.
I would agree with you if the article read like, "No offense intended, but...," since that is not other than an admission of rudeness to follow.  But that is not the tone I am reading and that is not Stone's MO in my experience. 

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