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I'm not trying to be snarky, unfair, or irritable.
But Will Carroll is considered, by sportswriters and sabermetricans, to be a "baseball injury expert."   His articles are punctuated with anatomical explanations of injuries, implying that his understanding of human anatomy equips him to provide better prognoses than you or I.
Is this wise?  Does that qualify Carroll to offer prognoses, that he counts up recovery rates based on his own arbitrary study criteria, mixes in his own knowledge of the human body, and has talked to doctors?
Would a surgeon at the UW take Carroll's prognoses seriously?
Will Carroll is a very fine analyst.  I'm just wondering whether our saber community is on solid ground, taking whichever sabe knows the most about subject X, and declaring that sabe an expert on subject X.
I'm not trying to be critical.  I'm asking a question.  Is it a good idea to consider Will Carroll an authority on these medical issues?

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