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Ever since Andy Serkis (sp?) played Gollum in The Two Towers it has been clear that we have the technology to automate the strike zone. All that is needed is a strong enough will to overcome the entrenched interests that stand in the way. And in baseball, entrenched interests are very, very, VERY stubborn. Combine that political inertia with the likes of Bud Selig in the commissioner's office, and...good luck seeing it happen any time soon.
The same arguments vs. were used against instant replay in football, yet years after its implementation it is instant replay that is entrenched as a tradition. We can't imagine ever going back. Give revolution time, it becomes institutionalized. You just have to have strong leaders willing to pay the price and persist in the effort.
MLB needs this. If it's happening to the Mariners, it's happening to other teams that aren't St. Louis, or Philadelphia, or New York, or Boston, or Chicago. The traditional "baseball towns" have enough of a competitive advantage anyway, it's criminal to add institutional bias towards the Pharisees and against the "'am ha aretz."
'Course the same thing is happening in the general business world.

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