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Well, I mean if his sub 1 BB/9 was really due to improved skill in '09 then it would really be interesting. Its more likely a short term blip though (his Strike% was very good but not Raffy Betancourt '07 territory in AAA), and maybe hes more of a 2 BB/9 guy.
His results in AAA were good, but they weren't amazing. Giving credit for the miniscule BB/9 he was a 3.65 FIP guy in AAA. Good, not awesome. 
What IS amazing is that his skill set so far hasn't suffered much of any decline in the jump from AAA to MLB, and his SwS% has actually improved (my theory is that hes throwing his changeup more often in MLB). Perhaps hes just one of those guys that rarely misses down the middle. Thats what we're going to find out.

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