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Sandy - Raleigh's picture

Of course, what a GM says in public should typically be ignored.
I think given the circumstance, if Z doesn't *SAY* that French was a key "we can win today" piece, then trading away Washburn ABSOLUTELY SURRENDERS the 2009 season. 
This is where the balancing act of "what you do" vs. "what you say" can become really, really hairy.  I've contended that GMs should (and the good ones DO) pay attention to what message their moves send to EVERYONE in the organization.  Part of what makes great orgs great is that everyone feels like their part matters.  And this is where the FA market can quickly become a landmine.  Because FA acquisitions, by their very nature, call into question the competency of existing scouting, talent, and coaches. 
This is why I think Bavasi set himself up to fail.  He IMMEDIATELY got a pair of big name free agents, then repeatedly signed LONG-TERM FA contracts to plug holes.  To plug a hole here or there, fine.  But, dipping into that well repeatedly does send a message to every scout, coach and prospect, that they aren't getting the job done.  Not exactly a sterling way to build morale.
Most who wanted to trade Washburn had ALREADY given up on 2009.  But, the CLUB hadn't.  While it made tons of sense to trade the short-timer while you could get something, if you trade him ONLY for prospects, then the ACTION says "2009 is done".  If you pick up someone you can SAY can help for 2009, then you can spin the move as a 'gamble' for 2009, perhaps -- but not a surrender.  (I'm still convinced that French has pitched with a dead arm most of 2009 ... and wouldn't be shocked if come ST, he appears to be a completely different guy.  I also wouldn't be surprised if he fades away into the AAAA pitcher many have already pegged him to be.)
As for Robles vs Washburn?  In the back of my mind, this "feels" a lot like Doyle Alexander for Smoltz.

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