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How do you justify calling him a top 15 or 10 or 5 prospect in all of baseball based on what you've seen of him, without seeing everyone else?  Perhaps I've read it wrong, but it seems to me that you're proclaiming Tui's relative greatness based on what you've personally seen from him, disregarding what the "experts" think.  I have no problem with disagreeing with said "experts," but if you haven't seen everyone you have to rely on other reports, right?  You can't look at Tuiasosopo and say "this guy is so good, I doubt anyone else out there has what he has." 
I'm having a hard time putting into words my exact challenge.  I'm not putting down your opinion, but just wondering how you came to the conclusion:
#6 or #9 or #12 would more appropriately be Tui's ranking in baseball.


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