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Before the kidney laceration or whatever it was, Eric Davis was whacking 30+ homers and stealing tons of bags as a matter of routine (I was playing NL roto back then).  Greg Halman's 2008 was young-Eric Davis-like.  At High Desert he had 19 HR in 257 AB and was a jaw-dropping 23-for-24 on SB attempts. 
Then he got publicized as a budding star on the Dutch WBC team, flopped mightily against the big boys in that event, and then went completely into the ditch in every way but power this year.
True, he was never really #1 given his lack of eye (Davis K'd a lot too but had better patience than Halman's ever shown), but the allure of that power-speed impact player is always there.  Halman, briefly, was that guy.
Tui, on the other hand, has never put up the eye-grabbing numbers until this last go-around at AAA, and even that was marred by a stretch when he struck out something like 13 times in 4 games (I don't recall the details, and can't find them quickly, but it was ugly -- though he was still showing power and patience even while striking out a ton).
I think scouts/analysts are worried that Tui will turn out to be one of those guys who always looks like he should be better than he actually is, and they'll downgrade him for that even if it's not fair.  Sometimes we don't want our "golden boys" to be too golden, in order to prepare in advance for the letdown, especially when he hasn't yet tattooed "can't miss" into our heads.

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