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Alright...don't drool and make a mess on your keyboard OBF. :)
And yes...I actually just wrote an e-mail to my father proclaiming that Ichiro probably just won Felix the Cy Young.  That was a big home run for Felix' career and for Mariner morale.  Despite the 3-5 record, the Mariners have played the Yankees very tough this season...they've hung with the good teams surprisingly well, including going 10-9 against the Angels, 3-5 (and a lot of close games) against the Yankees, 4-2 against the Red Sox, 6-3 against the Rays, 5-3 against the White Sox, 4-5 against the Tigers etc.  It's not like they got to .500+ by beating the crap out of bad teams and playing poorly against good ones.  In fact they play everyone about the same...low scoring offense...if the defense is good that night, they can win...if not, they won't.

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