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Looked to me like Doogie had his good FB ... good velo, good movement, and located it well ...
Lots of quality pitches, but the Yankees were just flat-out on everything.  Give them credit...
If Fister's stuff were fringe on Saturday, I would cheerfully admit it, but you give me those same 80 pitches against the average team in the AL and I'll take about 30 starts like that.
One thing is clear -- Fister is not Roy Halladay, capable of overpowering an All-Star lineup on his own volition -- he is a *pitcher* and there will be games he'll lose to great LH lineups, as is the case for all but about a dozen pitchers ...
One adjustment he still may need, is to get a little less of the plate... 53 strikes, 26 balls against a howitzer lefty lineup.
Call the jury in if you like Taro m'man :- ) but I am liking what I am seeing from Doug Fister.

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