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glmuskie's picture

Fans seem to get really bothered by athletes who don't behave the way they want them to. 
The M's best recent examples are Bedard and Meche.  Garcia used to upset people too, because he didn't seem to be the fiery competitor people wanted to see, and he liked to party.  Those are three of the Mariners' best pitchers over the past 10 or so years.
I once was imparted some wisdom by my favorite boss who said, make your words match your actions and the world is yours.  This was because while I was kicking bootay I would tell anyone who listened that I just didn't care much about the work. 
If the actions are remarkable, and the words back it up, that is power.
I haven't seen Morrow lately at all.  It's good to hear that his  body language is better.  I also thought in a sound bite that he sounded a bit more comfortable than before.
The kid is young...  I think about how introverted I was at his age vs. now, and it's a huge difference.  Mowing down some MLB teams for a while should help transform his psyche at least a little bit.

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