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dixarone's picture

it's critical to be in a good mood to play your best. 
If you're happy, then you're optimistic, and you're visualizing and finding the good stuff during a sports contest.
Not at all getting the hang of quoting in here, but - I can attest to this first hand; and I'm sure many other athletes on here, regardless of ability, can as well. And I am well-aware the counter argument to this is that as you become more "professional" that this should matter less and're being paid to perform, paid to block out distractions, etc. But, why would this innate human condition change so much as one moves up the ladder of professional sports?
Fact is, it can't. It may take less of a role, as talent starts to take over more of one. As Doc says here though..."synergy" of these two components - talent and mood - make a powerful pair in terms of performing at your absolute best.
I'm not a pro. But I've experienced patches in my sporting life where I'm in a slump for no discernable reason. After "getting my groove back", and dispassionately looking back over the season or whatever...I can actually see patterns from the "real world" affecting my sporting performance - domestic issues, work problems, whatever.
If a negative atmosphere around you outside of the arena/stadium can affect it your performance...of course having a negative atmosphere around you as you perform is going to adversely affect it. Pro, or not.

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