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glmuskie's picture

Agreed he's less ego'd out.
There are a few stances he's taken though that have me scratching my head. 
The first you mentioned before, ripping his kicker publicly and laying the responsibility for the loss at his feet.  An emotional blunder that he later apologized or backed off from.
Recently he made what I see as another gaffe...
He mentioned that after the Jacksonville game, most coaches would say, we want to do more of the same.  But he says, no, we've got to do better.  We have to do better ever week.
Not quite the right take, IMO.  Employees/players/whoever, after they execute what is obviously a remarkable victory, are fine with looking at the things they didn't do as well on in getting that victory.  At the things they did that they didn't get burned on this time, but next time, might cost them the game against a different foe.  BUT.  Having a coach/mentor/whomever, saying, '41-0 is NOT GOOD ENOUGH', well, you can lose some people that way.  It's not a rational stance.
It's a subtle thing, and maybe the way Mora expressed the sentiment to his players is different than he expressed it to the media.  I hope so.  Certainly at this point I think Mora could take a cue from Holmgren's ability to make more measured public comments.

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