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+200 added runs is a pretty crazy target.  :- )   It isn't really necessary to pencil out 100 wins in order to fight for the pennant.
Your broad point is compelling.  If you ossify 3B and C, it puts pressure on you to do a ton with just a coupla spots.  That's a very provocative observation.
But the M's were .500 OPS-for-OPS and by the time you add +100 runs on either side of the ball, you're pencilling out close to 90 wins.  
--- THEN --- you have the upsides of Morrow, Snell, Tui, Bedard etc in your hip pocket.   This is a young, talented team.  Pencilling 88-90 wins and then angling for a couple of your blue-chippers to come through is great by me.
In Seattle we are used to Hargrove teams.  With those, your W's were capped on April 1.

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