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Going into 2009, whodathunk that the M's would lead in ERA and runs allowed?  I sure thought the prospects were good enough with Felix and Bedard, though not that good.  Morrow and Hyphen were coming off a promising end of 2008.  And we all were wondering how Chucky could have nixed unloading Wash.  Silva was looking for another In-N-Out.  In the end of 2009, Wash had put up his best number as an M before being traded, Bedard had great stuff when healthy, Morrow was nothing, and Hyphen didn't show up until the second half. We had also picked up Snell from the Pitt scrap heap, but Silva was still looking for the In-N-Out.  Even so, I can think of several other pitching staffs that I'd rather have than ours, if money were no object.  But our 2009 staff out-pitched them.  Still, no, I can't pencil in the repeat.  All I feel I can count on is Felix, and Z's eye for turning bullpen fodder into gems.  Let's see what he can do to fix what ails our lineup and find the missing 50 runs.  So who is the best FA that can actually hit at #2?  Start there.

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