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Taro m'man, would you offer 3/$20M to a young FA shortstop hitting 230/300/350 with a +10 runs glove?
+2 wins, three-year term, critical defensive position, 3/$20 would be a no-brainer.
To answer my own question :- ) 230/300/350 would have ranked as the 5th-worst offensive player in the major leagues in 2009.   Hardy created 3.5 runs per 27 outs in 2009.  He's a league-average player already?!
David Eckstein was better than that.  Christian Guzman OPS'ed 700.
How bad would Hardy have to hit, to be a RLP?  -20 runs worse than a 650 OPS, I guess.  Boy, the state of AAA baseball these days...
I suspect the replacement/positional values are funky this year for SS's.  In any case I expect to be able to develop a SS who can do +10 defense, 3.5 runs a game, for free.  

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