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RZR had him at .921 and 91 OOZ plays, which is definetly good. Its not Franklin Gutierrez "are you kidding me" type good, but still very good. His career RF/9 in CF are as good as Ichiro's and Gutierrez's (which are pretty excellent). Plus/minus thinks hes averagish in CF. PMR also graded his 2008 at dead average. So far UZR is the only metric to give him a below-average defensive season, but last year they had him as a plus CF and overall hes slightly plus.
So we have two metrics who say Jones is plus with the glove, one that thinks he above-average, and two that think hes average.
What I get from that is that we probably need more data before we can figure this one out, but its likely that Jones is anywhere from +0-10 runs defensively in CF. Thats a wide margin, but its hard to tell anything beyond that.
My guess is that Jones is plus in CF, but not the rediculously elite fielder that Gutierrez is.

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