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I not long ago noted my "dream" lineup would be 3-OBP guys, 3-BIP guys and 3 sluggers. 
What I believe is that it doesn't matter much at all what order you assemble them, (as in get them onto your roster).  I would argue that a 40-HR whiff-meister is probably MORE worthless without the OBP guys than vice versa, (there's a reason the RC formulae put more value on OBP than slugging).  But, I don't disagree with the basic premise -- you need power guys to drive in the on-base guys.
Seattle lacks BOTH. 
Having mashers doesn't help much if they're stranded in a lineup of .290 OBPs like Vidro, Johjim, YuBet, Wlad, Reed, etc.  The old Earl Weaver plan was good pitching and THREE run homers ... not solo shots.
Me?  I think Seattle would be helped greatly to have a second guy on the roster capable of producing an OBP over .350.  Currently, all they've got is Ichiro.
I see a future where Carp is posting a .280/.380/.430 line, Moore starts hitting 20 HRs from the catcher slot ... and the club goes out and spends the bucks to fill the failed LF experiments with an FA retread like ... Blalock or Kubel come 2011, (or perhaps some #4 OF ... the next Gabe Gross). 
But, if you're EVER going to have a stars and scrubs roster, you've gotta start playing the scrubs.  For 2010, they've got Tui, Saunders, Moore and Carp all ready enough to take a look.  And from where I'm sitting I think it's complete dartboard over who folds vs. who takes the pot.  Moore is a near lock with the Johjima departure.  But, what the club does at LF, 3B and DH/1B is very cloudy.  Branyan wants two years.  If you sign him, I think you've gotta be looking at him transitioning from mostly 1B to mostly DH come 2011.  So, you need to be thinking about how best to set yourself up for that -- and allowing Carp to apprentice under Branyan and Griffey isn't a horrible plan, IMO.  It isn't your typical straightforward platoon situation, of course. 

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