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Sorry, but you need to go back to the drawing board on your anti-Johnson argument, Doc.  The very case you invoke to support that high-walk guys need power is not only refuted when you examine the records ... but the exact opposite conclusion is where the evidence points.
You point to the 2004 offensie collapse of the Ms - and blame it on the lack of power.  Problem.  That ain't what happened.
2003 Ms: .271/.344/.410 - 4th in OBP, 10th in slugging, 139-HR, 795-Runs (7th)
2004 Ms: .270/.331/.396 - 10th in OBP, 14th in slugging, 136-HR, 698-Runs (14th)
Walk differential -- 586 down to 496.  HR difference 139 down to 136.
I don't think Newton, Einstein and Stephen Hawking could explain 100 run drop in production based on 3 HRs.  The BIG drop --- the ONLY significant countable drop for the offense from 2003 to 2004 was in walks.  That's it.  That's the ONLY arena where the club had a significant change in production.  And the result was a catastrophic decline in runs.
This does not mean there isn't SOME truth to what you say.  The 2004 club was unique (in my memory), in that the top 10 regulars were *ALL* 30 and older.  That's a clean sweep of "past-prime".  100% past-prime.  Not 90%.  Not 80%.  (Maybe you can quibble on Ichiro, who was only 30 -- but by the actuarial tables, it was a clean sweep).
Olerud & Edgar walked 176 times in 2003 and only combined for 98 in 2004.  And you blame the offensive swoon on lack of *POWER*?!? 
I think the problem here is an AL-watcher blindspot, that only sees INNING-based production.  This misses a huge chunk of why OBP is valuable.  But, having seen the value of the #8 hitter walking, so the pitcher gets up in THIS inning, the value is obvious.  TURNING OVER THE LINEUP is where OBP really starts magnifying.  A Nick Johnson, whether batting 1st or 5th, (and 5th is my fav spot for a guy like Johnson), is buying extra PAs for the guys in the TOP of the lineup.  Johnson, hitting 5th, buys PAs for Ichiro and Branyan and Lopez. 
Yes, you do need some smackers and hackers.  A lineup of nothing but Johnsons would have problems, just like a lineup of Lopez' will. 
Me?  I'd rather pay nothing, and let Carp see how good of a John Olerud impression he can muster than gamble on the fragile and costly Johnson OR the fragile and costly Vlad.  The 2009 Ms added Branyan, Griffey and Gutz, who were top 3 in walks for the team, and STILL finished dead last in walks.  The club needs HRs, yes.  It needs walks EXPONENTIALLY more.

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