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OBP_Train's picture

Looking carefully year by year tells you the story of Yusmerio Petit. Early on he was highly regarded since he just crushed lower competion. Low hr/9 and all. However as soon he hit AA and AAA he was getting 2-3 hr per game.
Wait but hr/9 is not the entire story! In 2008 in AAA yusmerio posted a obscence 10.2 /1.2 k/BB ratio however his H/9 was 9.6. So hitter's weren't walking because they were hitting singles off Yusmerio Petit. Worse yet the high hr/9 meant not all of those hits were single but hr's.
So all that mean's is yeah Yusmerio throws for strikes and I don't think the walks will be the issue at all whatsoever. The issue is Yusmerio becoming more hittable.
But rest assured their is some hope. Look at Yusmerio age he's only 24 and his career minor league h/9 numbers are still 8.2/9 despite have a couple years of obscene hittability. This hints that he could have been rushed through the farm system. Something I could also backup with another pitcher in arizona's system Bryan Augenstein(who got called up from AA to majors this year). Granted Augenstein doesn't have the flyball issues that Petit has however maybe get Yusmerio throwing a more dominating offspeed pitch such as the knuckball. I mean Yusmeiro is accurate with the strikezone.....

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