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M's Watcher's picture

Glad to connect with you again.  It seems we only get one of the three, since Griffey is signed, and the only one we control is Carp.  Whoever we get has to deliver with the bat, or we are likely stuck in the 80's or worse for wins.  Branyan and Pena are probably more predictable as MLB players.  I'd give Branyan the edge for having upside when healthy (first half 2009), and can be signed as a FA for salary alone.  Pena delivers power, walks, and low BA, but does it all year.  I'd love it if Carp could deliver .300/.400/.500 but coulda/woulda isn't the same as delivered.  I think Carp is trade bait or lands in Tacoma until Branyan/Griffey gets hurt.

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