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Here's how I interpret:
1. Their impression of Ackley as potential Boggs/Carew profile awesome hitter without much pop: UP.  That type of hitter is going to be a better roster-construction "fit" at 2b.  And they are now sufficiently comfortable about his ability to hit .300 "with ease" that they can start playing around with defense (I mean, he picks up a wood bat and busts out .315/.412/.425 against advanced AA/AAA pitchers; I don't think they're worried about anything but the power.)
2. Their impression of Ackley as George Brett/Chipper Jones awesome hitter with some pop: UNDECIDED.  He hasn't shown that potential yet, but he did in his last year in college.  At 2b, that extra level is "gravy"; whereas you want some pop in LF in Seattle, where you will always have a defense-oriented outfield.
3. Their impression of Saunders as a guy who could force MLB playing time: UP.  They can't look at Crawford and Granderson trade scenarios and not see the potential logjam.   They can't say that it will happen, only that it could.  Ackley at 2b is one way out without giving up a cheap young player.
 4. Their impression of Triunfel as a SS: UP.  I'm just guessing, but it's still a looming question as to how they transition from Jack Wilson.  Triunfel can't be the 2b and the SS of the future.  More options at 2b makes it more likely that Carlos would be the SS.
5. Their impression of Tui as a near-term MLB impact player: DOWN?  In terms of moving the chess pieces, this gives them a chance to open with Tui 3b-Lopez 2b, but if Tui struggles and Ackley impresses, they can slide Lopez over to 3b.  They're not as "locked in" to Tui as they are in the current configuration.  I know I'm not the only one with nagging doubts about Tui.

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