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People do give the theory second glances :- )
Granted, it is helpful to know that, in the past, teams have been averaging $475,000 per run on the FA market. 
Then you are AWARE OF how much you are deviating from your little baseline, so that you can make a good judgment as to whether it's advisable right here.
Again CA, I think you and I are on the same page here... using $/WAR as one more compass by which to steer, great .... using it as a traffic law makes very little sense...
I don't believe I've ever read, a single time anywhere, "Granted, Shlabotnik's production was paid an average price of $11m last year, but to this team right now maybe he IS worth $14m" ... not one time...  and that is what makes the whole sabr-industry paradigm more harmful than helpful...
On somebody like Bay, Taro's concerns about the fit for the park, possible bad defense, possible aging, etc .... $450,000 per run above "replacement" would be good to be aware of, so that you don't (say) DOUBLE that in a gray-area situation :- )
Problemo here is, we're already talking about being below the average $/WAR and THEN the argument is made, offsite, that it's brain-dead...

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