I think that much of the snarky behavior comes from people feeling the obligation to convince others that they have a better way of looking at things. Once your point has been stated clearly, there isn't much else to say or do.
Examples: I think quantitative analysis is fun, but I think it is of dubious value when it comes to differentiating a good GM from a bad GM. The job is just too difficult and the tools too blunt. For this reason, I don't understand why people get bent out of shape over a transaction not following sabr best practices. I also hate the notion that you can only judge the quality of a deal based on the information widely known to the public at the moment of the transaction and attributing an unexpected success to luck, rather than acknowledging somebody may have known something I didn't and it helped make a better decision than I would have. These are my pet peeves, but I'm not a missionary by spirit, so I just move on to the next comment when I see things that make no sense to me if they have already been beaten into the ground.
Now I acknowledge that it is different when ideas I don't like are associated with me because I am associated with the product, but if that makes me behave anti-socially I should just turn off the comments. You don't seem to have a problem with different ideas, nor do Lonnie and the mods at Mariner Central, which is why these are the only places I bother to comment. I do think that other websites do have a really hard time having ideas posted on their sites that they find wrong. I still read the sites, but I don't comment.
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